Thanks PHV,
My problem is that I want the Uncnfm Qty regardless of what the Rjct Sched Rsn Cd is. Unfortunately, it is applying the IIf statement to OM Rjct Qty AND Uncnfm (for which I need to see add'l Rjct Rsn Codes of Z1,Z2, Z3, etc.) I tried using an IsNull in case it didn't like the OM...
Hi, I am trying to Sum two fields in my query with an IIf statement that only applies to one of the fields. I keep getting syntax errors and can't figure it out.
Calc Rjct Qty: Sum(([OM Rjct Qty],IIf([Rjct Sched Rsn Cd] In ('Z4','Z5','Z6','Z7','Z8'))+[Uncnfm Qty],0))
Want to Sum OM Rjct Qty...
Does anyone know what the cause of this may be?
I am joining 2 tables with the following fields and data:
ModelNo SONo SO_Line_No OrderQty LateQty ProcessDt
ABC 123 10 350 25 4/15/2011
ABC 123 10 50 0 4/20/2011
I am pulling all but LateQty from Table1 and LateQty from Table2. I join my 2...
Thanks for the reply, I'm looking for something that will actually create 4 new columns in my query and take data from another column and disperse it to the 4 new ones based on product_id.
Thinking a For Each....
Thanks for getting back to me, appreciate it!
Tagging onto this post. Trying to do a similar thing (Just posted it right before I saw this, although I don't see my post yet) I am not trying to create a table, but a query (not sure if that matters).
Was the crosstab suggestion and example in ADDITION to the Function that the original poster...
Thanks, trying it out and getting "Syntax error in HAVING clause". I've used my new field names, different from original post but same result desired.
This should combine all of the records between the 2 queries resulting in only on record per DEV_CD, correct?
No, the fields are not indexed and I was just told that IT will probably not index the Oracle tables for me. I'll need to start that fight with them soon. Thanks for the help.
I'm completely lost on this one. I am querying from linked Oracle tables and cannot change any of the data.
I am grouping by "Prod_Code". The problem is that I have one field in my table that may or may not have data, "Country".
What I am getting is one record for each "Prod_Code" that does...
Thanks for the quick response.
Didn't have the Column Headings property set, I did that and no difference, just 5 columns.
Yes, the crosstab is pulling 57k records with no criteria. I can run it in under a minute by itself but it just doesn't want to be joined with my select query or another...
Does anyone know why Access 2007 locks up when I try to build a new query off of a crosstab query? I can't even get it placed on the query design grid, it just sits there and I have to shut down to get out of Access. If it finally does drop it in (1 time out of 10), I lose it when i try to save...
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