I am trying to use the find command to locate log and other dump files more than 90 days old and delete them, but the command is not working correctly.
#find /dump/spool -atime +90 -exec \ rm {} \;
find: 0652-083 Cannot execute rm:: A file or...
I'm using grep to read a file and strip the header records out and feed it to another file. I'm not getting all of the record; grep is chopping off the tailend of the record. It looks like I only get 250 bytes of the record. Any suggestions???????
grep -v "***TOTAL***" file1 > file2
The issue has been resolved. Two programmers made a change a few months back, and the problem didn't surface until we had a holiday.
GROUP1=`head -n1 gl_file.tmp1 | cut -c34-41`
GROUP1=`head -n1 gl_file.tmp1 | cut -c33-43`
Thanks to all that replied.
This is a faily lengthly script. It moves a file from a mainframe to a Unix box, and updates an Oracle interface table. The data is pulled from the table by an oracle application job at a later time. The part of the script that is not working the the part that prevents duplicate entires from...
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