I have been looking around and you would think this would work.
SELECT c.id, c.eventMonthDay, c.eventYear, c.title, c.location, c.ordering FROM calendar c WHERE c.id NOT IN (SELECT m.calendar_id FROM onlineReg_meet_info m) ORDER BY c.ordering ASC
But it doesn't. Any help?
ok I have this SQL statement
SELECT c.title FROM calendar c, onlineReg_meet_info m WHERE c.id = m.calendar_id
This displays all the calendar title that are both in onlineReg_meet_info and calendar
Basically I am trying to write a SQL statment to do the opposite. I want to display the...
I have these 4 radio buttons
<input type="radio" name="branch" value="nb" checked> NB
<input type="radio" name="branch" value="ns"> NS
<input type="radio" name="branch" value="none"> Non Member
<input type="radio" name="branch" id = "branch" value="other"> <input class = "textbox2"...
I am trying to alter this script
But am having lots of problems as I am not all that great with javascript.
What I am trying to do is:
1) When you move an option from the left side to the right side the option in the left side stays (Now it gets...
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