Hi, yes I am working locally, and I do have the dll in my bin directory, and yes I have referenced it (the managed dll I created with tlbimp) actually I instantiate it and can see all methods implemented in the dll, I can even see it in the object browser! The problem is when I run my app, it...
Hi a have a COM dll made in C++ (I don't have the source code) I used tlbimp to create a managed .NET assembly dll... I reference this dll and import it with "using myDll" then I make an object (myDll.myDllClass dll=new myDllClass();) and then I can see the methods implemented on the...
I am getting the following error ocassionally in my windows forms app, it doesn't stop the app from running OK, but I want to know why is it happening and if I can fix it:
InvalidOperationException: Cannot call Invoke or InvokeAsync on a control
until the window handle has been created...
I am using a WebBrowser control, because I need to put some of my windows form variables into an html document and then print it... but I do not need the html page to be seen in the form, so I set the WebBrowserControl property Visible to false (WebBrowser.Visible=false) and then call the...
Hi, I need to print a HTML file from a windows application using c#... I have to put some of my application variables on a html page and then I have to print it... does anyone have an idea of how can I acomplish this?
Thanks in advance for your help,
I need to get a directory path instead of the whole filename that you can get using the OpenFileDialog component, is there a way to do this using this component or is there any other component that let you do this?
Hi, I am using the OpenFileDialog (I open the dialog from different button clicks), and I need to set a different initial directory in each different button click event...
The first time I click the button and the OpenFileDialog is opened the initial directory is just fine, but if I select a...
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