This is probably so trivial it's embarrassing, but I'm not sure what to do.
I'll candidly admit I'm worse than a neophyte when it comes to VBScript or any Windows scripting; that said, I've managed to hack my way through some stuff, and it's _mostly_ working like I want: with the following...
Thanks, EBGreen! I'll definitely look into the WScript.Network object. (I just started messing with WSH and VBScript last night, so I'm well below even n00b status.)
I just realized that I need to move some files from folder x to C:\Documents and Settings\{User}\Local Settings\Application Data\ and NOT to C:\Documents and Settings\{User}\Application Data
I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the path for this folder! In searching, I've come...
Aha! (Sort of!)
Apparently, a Folder object's Self property is really a FolderItem object -- which does have a Path property.
Now things just looke like this:
Set objFolderItem=objFolder.Self
WScript.Echo objFolderItem.Path
which does indeed return "C:\Documents and...
Here's what I have so far:
Dim objWSH
Dim objShell
Dim objFolder
Dim objFSO
Dim strUserProfile, strBFF
'Create a WScript.Shell object and get the PROCESS environment variables
Set objWSH=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set colProcEnvVars=objWSH.Environment("Process")
'Assign the...
First, I just decided (actually, a project decided for me) to dive into WSH and VBScript yesterday. So I don't know anything -- especially where or what to search for regarding my questions. :(
Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:
Currently, I have a .bat file that unzips some archives and...
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