I've discovered the issue - if you have xonxoff enabled on the port when the break comes in, then the output path gets frozen so that you cannot send any characters.
For now the solution is to turn off xonxoff mode. I found this issue even with 'moni', so its not just my code ;-)
Well, I do have blocking off. Here's how I set the port:
fconfigure $state(com_port_handle) -mode 115200,n,8,1 \
-blocking 0 \
-buffering none \
-translation binary...
I'm working on a program which makes heavy use of a serial port. In this case, a *real* serial port not a usb-to-serial adapter.
It is currently a windows-only program (unfortunately :-)), running on Windows XP. The TCL version is - it may or may not be an 'official' TCL, not sure...
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