Thanks Richard for the links. I need to clarify:
Quote:'how to best "get" the user into the "User" field'
What I mean is: when the user creates a new request in tblRequests, I want the "User" field to (automatically) capture (display) the name of the user as logged into the database. Is there...
I am creating a Data Base for a customer management system.
It will allow users to log customer requests.
It will have multiple user access. Users belong to teams (eg. Team 1: Accounts payable; Team 2: Accounts recievable; etc.).
I have a table called "tblRequests" containing:
1. Request ID...
I have a yes/no control in my form called "RequestInitiator" linked to: "tblRequests.Request_Intiated".
"tblRequests.Request_Intiated". is default: "no".
At the start of a new request, some code turns "tblRequests.Request_Intiated" to "Yes" when the request's date & time are set.
in the...
Thanks all for the replies. I've solved this with the help of Crowley16's method as follows:
Private Sub cmdDisplayAllRequests_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDisplayAllRequests_Click
'exit this sub if customer name is cleared
If cboSearch.Value = "" Then
Msg = "Please enter...
I have a form named "frmCustomerRequests" which contains a sub form: "subfrmRequests" (linked via Customer_ID). On "frmMain" I have 2 command buttons 1. "Display All Requests" & 2. "Display Open Requests.
The coding for "Display All Requests" is as follows:
Private Sub...
Thanks, however: "simply change the subform's RecordSource property in the Click event procedure of the button." - Not sure exactly how to do this. The Click event procedure for the "Display All Requests" button is as follows:
Private Sub cmdDisplayAllRequsets_Click()
On Error GoTo...
Howdy all.
Pertaing to a customer requests DB I am designing.
"frmMain" form lets the user select a customer from a combo box. Then user either clicks command button: "Display All Requests" or command button: "Display Open Requests".
When user selects "Display All Requests" the...
I can temporarily solve this by using the 'max' method (as above) and telling qryCompany to select the last record in tblCompany, but, I assume this is a cheap fix and programmatically unsound.
Thanks Remou. Just tried your suggestion. Doesn't seem to work though. Same problem. frmAddCompany displays with no record (until the sub is exited then it displays the new record when i click on the "Display Company records" button.)...crazeh stuff.
This pertains to my "Customer Management" DB.
I have 2 tables: tblCustomer, and tblCompany.
and 2 forms: frmCustomer, and frmAddCompany
In frmCustomer I have a combo box called cboCompany. cboCompany requires the user to select a company (the company that the customer belongs to (row source...
This pertains to my "Customer Management" DB.
I have 2 tables: tblCustomer, and tblCompany.
and 2 forms: frmCustomer, and frmAddCompany
In frmCustomer I have a combo box called cboCompany. cboCompany requires the user to select a company (the company that the customer belongs to (row source...
Thanks kindly for your speedy replies. I sort of 'get' your SQL suggestions however I think it's time for me to ellaborate on the real problem:
I have 2 tables: tblCustomer, and tblCompany.
and 2 forms: frmCustomer, and frmAddCompany
In frmCustomer I have a combo box called cboCompany...
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