Well, a bit late, since I just put the 6600 in the other day, and I'm happy with it. It was the reviews I read that steered me towards it verses the 9700 anyway. *shrug* I could probably have a video card powered by a hamster that would outperform the Geforce 2 I had :) It gives me a step up...
I think so... I didn't think to bring my vid card manual to work with me, so I don't have access to it, but I'm pretty sure it's a 4x. I do know that I have an AGP Pro slot, which is among the things that were worrying me.
Hi there.
I have an Asus A7V333 MB for which I've finally gotten enough money together to upgrade the vid card for (currently running a GeForce 2) I was initially leaning towards something like a GF5700 or Radeon 96/97/9800 card, but I was reading up on the GF6600 line and it looks like it...
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