I developed a large program and it uses packages, the packages are called by the command required everytime they are needed, when the package is required the subroutines within run automatically,the problem is when I call the same package twice, this second time the package doesn't run the...
But how can I test it if I don't hire a hosting service with windows NT, in other words how can I test the cgi in my computer...
In my PC is installed
Activestate (perl)
Perl debugger program
Windows millenium
Thanks for your support..
I made a script and it is running and tested in UNIX enviroment, how can I know if this script run in Windows NT.
I know the paths is the difference is it ok....
I am writing my own client, I configure each step and unsuccessfully step return a message the connection is unseccessfully because the client return an empty content specifically from Amazon using a POST method; the next is the client:
I use the module Socket to make a connection to urls but for some reason a few urls refuse the connection, those lost urls can be connected via lwp, the help needed is why these urls are refusing sockets but not lwp, and what else is necessary to make a connection via socket with any url I...
Socket connects successfully a lot of main urls but some are lost I was trying to connect for example Amazon.com but the connection is refused I don{t Know how to configure a client to connect all urls.
Tnanks in advanced.....
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