How about using the cmd-command "fc" to compare the two files? "filecompare" is similar to "diff" on Linux and comes with options concerning line numbers, case sensitivity, tabs, whitespaces etc..
That means you could use vbscript to execute "fc", redirect the "fc"-output and depending on the...
What are the text files to be validated against?
Are there kind of columns in the text files? File1 looks to me like a table but File 2 confuses me with the terms Revenue, Opex, etc..
Thanks, now it works.
But why does it somehow seem to work as well with non-fully-qualified paths on my Windows Server 2008? And where do I get to read the information about the fully-qualified path for the NewFolder-method myself? There is nothing about that issue on this website.
My intention is to create a new folder via the VBScript method "Folder.NewFolder". However, when running the script below on Windows XP I get the error "800A01A8 - Object required" that refers to the highlighted line.
@Prerequisite: .vbs-script is placed in a directory that contains a folder...
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