Just an added comment. The current resulting stamp is sufficient and works fine. What I ran into when I wrote it was that I couldn't find a way to get the counter working (it uses a counter table) in an UDF. Since I couldn't get it into a UDF I couldn't find a way to assign the pk without...
I'd love to see your algorythm and if it'll work in my environment I'll even dance a little jig in your honor!
>>How many potential servers are there?
It varies depending upon the system, but as remote users act as their own servers (via MSDE)it is generally less than 2000.
>>Are they known...
Hi Simonhorne,
Here's one I use a lot in data migrations. The scenario is that I am building a database that is used by an application that is rather restrictive in the required database setup. I need to create new rows that have a 16-character single-column unique PK that will work in a...
There are reasons to use cursors -- even updateable ones. Not every operation can be performed via set-oriented approaches. I agree that cursors are to be avoided, but in some cases they simply can't be.
Hi, I'm taking a C (not C++) class in school and would like to spruce up a program I'm writing. It's a console (DOS) application and uses standard printf to print to the screen.
How do I change the color of the text or background to add some sizzle?
Note: I'm using MiracleC compiler (which...
I'm trying to read in RTF formatted text from an XML file, convert it to plain text and then output it to MS Word table via VB.
I can read it in and push it to word, but I'm not sure how to best remove all the RTF formatting. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm new to VB, so feel free to point...
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