I have a window that has a visible bar on one edge that is intended to pop out the actual UI. I want the UI to be transparent other than the buttons sticking out of the bar. But as soon as the mouse goes over the transparent section it triggers a mouse leave event and the buttons snap back in...
I am trying to get the count of all entries per day for 14 days. Days where there are 0 results I want to return as 0. My current SQL that gets the data I need but only for the days with data:
select COUNT(ID), DATE_FORMAT( madeTime, '%Y%m%d') from test where topicID=X group by DATE_FORMAT(...
Odd problem with php, if I call index.php it works fine. Try index.php?x=1 and I get No input file specified.
I assume its a config error but I just can't find the cause. I have configured php a few times before and never had this happen, maybe something to do with the newest version.
Step through all top level windows with enumwindows, find those that qualify to be displayed on the taskbar. Use CreateToolhelp32Snapshot to step through all processes and find the one matching the top level window. Then use psapi EnumProcessModules and GetModuleFileNameEx to...
I have been trying for the past few days to get a list of the running applications, the window title (window class would be nice) and the applications path and exe file. I have had some success with enumwindows, getting the windows processId (via GetWindowThreadProcessId) then finding the...
I ended up just going for a hack job, its only a prototype and will do for now.
I get the filename of the shortcut used in the start menu and trim off the extension. Its not perfect but its good enough for the task at hand.
I need to get a list of installed applications and the location of the exe. This data will be presented to the user is a nice clean list showing the icon and application name (I will shield them from the exe name).
I have tried a number of methods...
I need to associate an action with an application, much like the shortcut buttons on the newer keyboards. It needs to be super easy so I want to show just a list of installed applications that then can associate with that action.
eg I push the web/home button for the first time, my app says...
I am trying to simulate an open as dialog(like the one you get when you right click a file in Explorer) but just can't get it.
I played about with ::ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, "RUNDLL32.EXE", "shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL " ,NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); but I have 2 problems with that. First is it brings...
Hit a brick wall getting this to work (im a C++ newbie).
I can launch my app no problems with createprocess but then I have problems getting SetWindowPos to do anything with it.
As I didn't have the hWnd I tried to use an EnumThreadWindows to optain the hWnd of the window in a hope that I...
The following script detaches the attachments and places them into a folder. I had it working at one point if you opened the message and it currently works on the first email rather than a selected email. I need it to work on an email that triggers the "before new mail arrives"...
Thanks for the help.
I gave up in the end and just went back to manual string manipulation, had it going in 30 seconds.
I'll run through your examples as a learning exercise.
Once again, thanks for your help, was a good way to learn.
...blah</td><td id="taw0">hlah hlah"</td>';
So I changed the expresion to this.
$r=preg_split('/<td id=\"[t*]aw\d+\">([^<]+)\/td>/', $res);
It retured the result with the content I wanted but not as 2 array items, they come out as one long string.
Here is my thinking...
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