now POP3 works, but I want every users can send mail from any IP, but in the same time block spammer.
How configure sendmail port 25 ?
I'm using webmin for configure sendmail.
thx for help, but again doen't start port 110 .
I saw my /etc/services and I have POP3 enable it's without #
in etc/sendmail.cf I have removed the line:
#O ClientPortOptions=Address=
now I have only
# SMTP daemon options
# SMTP client options
you toll me restart sendmail with...
I have RH 7.2 all work fine, cgi, php/mysql, apache and sendmail, but I can't configure POP3 e-mail, I want send and received mail using mail client (outlook, eudora).
I'm configuring my server with webmin http://www.webmin.com .
I saw my server has these open port :21,22,25,80,11,443 but...
thx for help. I saw the hardware doc, no problems for k6-III but I dont find voodoo 3000, I think will be my problem.
I'm lucky because I have other 2 video card supported STB Lightspeed and Permidia2 chip.
I have downloaded skunk2000 iso image from coladera ftp and burnig with my cd-rw, now I try load it, but software manager does't see the format and if I try mount with:
mount -r /dev/cd0 /mnt the mount it's ok, but when I run ./INSTALL it tell me where I have mount the cd I give /mnt but...
I have bought solaris 8 for intel, next week I will have it.
My target is install it on my PC computer it has this hardware configuration:
Mainboard : Tyan 1598
CPU : K6-III 400MHz
RAM : 320MB
Video Card : Voodoo3000
HDD : IDE Maxtor 20GB ATA66
I need help configure php/mysql and cgi under sco openserver 5.0.4.
I have not problems give root access. I hope some people can help me
here sco server http://www.host2008.com
Please write to marino@sitofox.it I will give pass for root access
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