I have a shell script using ksh which is supposed to transfer file from one Unix server to another using scp. The script is automated using Autosys. Have heard about some authentication public-private keys which would have to be used but am not clear on it.
Any help would be great.
Sorry for hooping around so much vgresh99 but i am relatively new to scripting.
Also, PHV the solution you have given does not give me any result.
The FileList.txt has this data :
-rw-r--r-- 1 annay vob_two 0 May 11 16:36 test_20050505_131500.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 annay vob_two...
I would like to put the following lines of code in a function:
LINE_COUNT=`wc -l ${LOCAL_DIR}/FileList.txt`
COUNT=`echo $LINE_COUNT | cut -s -d' ' -f1`
FILENAME=`cat ${LOCAL_DIR}/FileList.txt | /usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v mycount=${COUNT} 'BEGIN{FS=" "} {if(NR == mycount) {print $9}}'`
The function...
I have a situation wherein i have to check multiple conditions in an 'if' based on some variables. I have given the condition as
if [ ("${VAR1}" == "${VAR2}") || ("${VAR3}" != "${VAR4}") ]
On running the script I am getting a syntax error
syntax error at line number...
Thanks PHV.
I have a list of readyfiles and a list of file to be FTP'ed in the same folder on a FTP server. After each file is written a readyfile is also written on the FTP server. These files are written every 15 mins. Both the pattern of the file names of readyfile and the data files are...
I have a list of files in a folder on a FTP server say a1.txt
I want the list of files starting with 'a'. So I gave ls -ltr a*.txt but it doesn't work.
Any suggestions ?
Thanks PHV but I am not familiar with perl and looks like we have got an syntax error.When I run the script it says `(' unexpected.
I guess this code was for comparing timestamps (Pardon my foolishness but I have started to learn scripting only a couple of days back)
Also,will this work to get...
I am relatively new to shell scripting.
I would like to know how to read the timestamp of a given file present on
a) Unix m/c
b) FTP server
Also, how do i compare two timestamps that I have ?
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