actually I am writing this in perl and there are many other lines that follows after this 2 lines that are not in the same format. I just need to change the 1st line. How to implement awk in perl?
I have the following command which could not work.
I need to add the number "1" behind the variable.
if ($line =~ /(SPEC:)(\w{2})/){
print OUT ("$line");
Hi, I have the following code to validate the fields of a form. I have 20 of such field (filesize1, filesize2,...,filesize20). Can anyone help to advise me on what to add to this code so that it can loop through all the 20 variables? Bascially, I need to change the filesize variable so that it...
I have 6 textboxes where user can input data (or can leave it blank). I need to insert all the data (if not blank) into the database. How should be SQL query be like?
insEntrydate = pd(DAY(date()),2) & "." & pd(MONTH(date()),2) & "." & pd(YEAR(date()),2)
insOwner = Request.Form("txtselOwner")...
I have found in the forum examples or 2 dropdown lists and 3 dropdown list. Does anyone have any idea how to do 4 or more dropdown list? I tried to modify it from an example script found here but failed.
This is what I have done after modification:
Function QuadLinkedList(oCon...
I am not sure how to start doing this so I hope to get some advice as to how to start.
I have 2 files. The source file contains data that I needed is in columns delimited by ";". For example, in this format:
Hi, I have the following forms which allow the user to input the blank fields by choosing the value from dropdown list(existing data in database) or manually input the data in the blank field.
I need to do a dynamic drop-down list where after I choose the value in the 1st drop down list, the...
I need to create a file with the same filename as another file in another directory but without the contents.
For example, I have:
originaldirectory/ size:1234kb
I need to create:
newdirectory/ size:no contents - 0kb
I have 2 directories, 1st dir with actual files and the 2nd dir with files with zero contents. What command in unix can I use to check for every file in 2nd dir, whether there is a matching filename in 1st dir.If no matching, delete it; if yes, go to next file.
For example,
1st dir...
I need the original data in file1 to remain if it is not in file2 but comm command will delete them. For example,
correct new file1:
using comm, new file1:
Hi I have the following script and have problem debugging the problems. The function of this script is to make sure the entire file is being received (the filesize of a data is not changing after 20 seconds) and start moving the file to another directory. This script should be started every...
I have 2 files with contents in them and I need to compare each item in each file.
The items names can be of different lengths.
If the items in the File1 are not in File2,
delete the missing item in File1.
The resulting File1 in the...
Hi, I tried to use "width" but it cannot work. I forgot to say that the 1st column of the table contains words, 2nd column is a textbox and 3rd column is a drop down box. When I resize the windows browser, the 2 boxes did not get resize but the words at the 1st column change from one line to 2...
I have a table with values in each cells but I do not want the size of the table to become smaller when I resize the window browser smaller. Especially when I resize the vertical part of the window browser, the table will move in and become thinner too.
How can I do this?
Hi manarth,
Your code is good for checking numbers but I realise I need to allow decimals too. This validation will not allow decimals. Can anyone help?
Hi, I have the following java function that validate the form for numerical values:
function validate_numeric(field, alerttxt)
with (field)
var strValidChars = "0123456789";
var strChar;
var blnResult = true;
for (i = 0; i < value.length && blnResult == true; i++)
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