I'm hoping someone can help me in the following questions. I currently run sharepoint services and sharepoint portal server on same machine. At first I didn't understand the difference (newbie). Currently the
• PortalSiteName _PROF
• PortalSiteName _SERV
• PortalSiteName _SITE
I keeop getting this in the app log on the sharepoint server "Sharepoint portal Administration Service"
Synchronization exception occurred
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
Sharepoint itself seems up and fully functional, not...
I've read the changes to the new DFS in R2 and had a question I hope someone can answer.
Currently I have one production DFS replication job setup 2003 Sp1 in AD and it's working fine.
I set up another test DFS root on 2 other servers as a test and will be upgradiung those servers from 2003Sp1...
I moved all the DB's to a remote SQL 200 box and re-attqached the db's accorind to a lengthy article describing the process.
One thing I noticed as I looked at detaching the dbs in SQL manager, is the db's (too see connections) Config and _SITE have connections on the new SQL box but the _SERV...
I'm not an expert but what i'm trying to do is move to move a couple of SQL db from from drive to another so SQL will look to the DB on the new drive. If I try and restore and set the path to a different drive I get a ODBC-SQL State 420000 Access denied as it can't get exclusive access.
In the sharepoint templates task list for each users there is a report to individual. I beoleive this is pulled from AD. When I change the manager in AD it should change the report to indivdual in sharepoint. Is there a way to force tis or somewhere esle to check?
Is there a way to still retrieve documents that were part of a delered site. Is there any way to undelete a site.
Lastly if the site is deleted but the content remains in the DB can I still extract a doc if so how?
Need help!!!
I'm trying to create a link or document list where it links to a folder or document in the folder rather than uploading the document into sharepoint.
Meaning if the document changes in the location the links ares still good and it doens;t need to be uploaded again or checked out?
I'm trying to setup a document link to open in a new window. So when a user clicks on this link it opens a new web browser.
Is there a way to set this so it only affects certain links and not the whole site?
I have an employee portal site setup and I am creating links to documents. I'm trying to limit what users can access what documents. I set NTFS permisssion on the folders where some of the docuements are located but in the portal it seems to have no effect. If the users tryto browse...
I did. It's as if sharepoint isn't authenticating right.
For instance. If I go to:
http://<servername>/exchange web outlook is good
http://<sharepoint server>/<employee portal> which is a web part page to http://<servername>/exchange the authentication box comes up but doesn't pass the...
That seemed to work in one instance for the public calendar but what I notice now is that if I create a site where OWA populates for user what happens is the auth box comes up user enters passwoird anfd their email comes up. this works for doam admins but the credentials don't seem to pass for...
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