General Question… have been receiving 0 byte files on FTP server. Is this a standard when transmission is broken due to a firewall or connection problem.. Or could it be another matter. Odd that there would not be a rollback that would take place, that would remove the file. Files come from...
I use the Access import wizard daily, actually several times a day to bring in and manipulate data. What I would like to do is change the default settings on the import wizard so that ****no primary key is created*** on the import. I already have code for placement of a key later. Can anyone...
Yes thank you I was at the time tring to set the text property to what some would call a NULL string ... which would be an empty string. Thanks for the tip on the value property, it is good to know.
Still no luck on the list box.
Me.lstPartsList.RowSource = Me.lstPartsList.RowSource has no effect.
I know it is connected because If I change the "rowsource type" on the listbox that selects only the current order number part information, while it is not in design mode, and then change it...
Hello Eupher
I am populating the combo box by the row source of the box.
The command is
SELECT Parts.PartID, Parts.[Part#] FROM Parts ORDER BY Parts.[Part#];
I did try to null out the text property of the combo on the current event of the form but it produces an error. I will double check...
I have used a combobox to select, from and add records to a table. It works great for this, however when the data control for the form is used to move to the next record. The combobox still displays the previous selection. If I bind the control to the field then Access will not alow selection...
Hello Again Ken
That works well however it is only working for the first record on the load of the form. I tried Me.lstPartsList.Requery in the current event of the form. and even removing each item from the listbox one at a time in this event.. but it seems to not effect the listbox. Is this a...
PurchaseOrderID is it's name, and it is bound to the OrderID in my Nonconformance table. txtPoID would have been wiser but hey you know what happens when you mess with one thing too long. Thanks for the look
I have a listbox on a form that is populated by a query.
SELECT Parts.PartID, Parts.[Part#], Parts.Description FROM Parts INNER JOIN ([Order Details] INNER JOIN NonConformance ON [Order Details].OrderID = NonConformance.OrderID) ON Parts.PartID = [Order Details].PartID WHERE ((([Order...
Hey thanks ... I have not done a lot in Access I had tried many of the events and there was no onChange. Works like a brand new toaster the color pops up right :)Perfect thanks again
I have had a request to change the background color of a MS Access form based on the value of a textbox. I can get the code to work in the Form Activate event fine... But that sucks. The DataChange is not working as the data is not changed really I guess just passed to the next record. I was...
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