a couple weeks ago my screen suddenly turned a shade of pink and the graphics are slightly smudged. every so often ie when i install a program, it turns back to the normal tint. or if i shut my computer off for a while. at first i thought it was the monitor going bad, but it seems that it might...
That is what happened, it loaded the standard PCI Graphics Adapter(VGA) but Im not sure how to reload the right one.
Ive tried updating the driver several times from several different locations, but kept getting the Standard one.
I just reinstalled Windows 98 2nd Edition, after formatting my Hard drive. Now when I try to change the screen size and the color palette, it wont let me get any larger than 640x480 resolution or anything more than 16 colors. Any help? this is really annoying me!! Thanks!!
i was looking around in system information (start/programs/accessories/system tools/system information)
and under internet explorer/file versions: the file "win.com" says "not available" and the "winsock32n.dll" file says "file not present"
I was just wondering if that would cause any problems...
Im having a problem keeping my homepage set to a certain website. Whenever i close out of IE6 it resets the homepage to " about:blank " and says page cannot be displayed. I keep setting the default to www.yahoo.com, but it always resets whenever i close out and go back in. can anyone help?
yeah, matt i tried that, i was able to save as jpg and gif files after i downloaded a registry fix for them both, but just recently it hasnt allowed me to. i havent installed any programs that would have interfered with it, i dont think
my jpg and gif files open into "CoffeeCup quick...
IN MSPAINT, when i try to save a file as a .jpg or .gif file (it does allow me to select these types under "save as") it brings up an error message:
"Paint cannot save this file. Save was interrupted, so your file has not been saved."
Any ideas on whats causing this?? its...
Heres a tip I recently discovered that enables you to restart just Windows, and not the whole computer. I am running Windows 98, so im not sure if it works for any other but its worth a try, eh? When you go to restart your computer("START", "SHUT DOWN"), make sure...
Quick question: whenever i run a program, even if its for a couple minutes, then close it, my system resources drop. It seems this happens for every program i run, my system resources keep dropping and only recover to a certain point. so, my question, is there any way to recover my system...
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