I think i have the solution myself,
printing to com1: is the same as printing
to a file, so i declare a file with the name
comport and i set the name of the file like this "com1:"
I think this wil work, but i can't test one the moment.
select com-port assign to "com1:".
Yes, that is a solution for the cash drawer, but can I call DOS commands from cobol, else is my cash drawer working, but can i not write to the receipt printer.
I'm sorry, but my receipt printer is on LPT; and has no connection possible for my cash drawer.
Maybe this is clearder
Can i change my printer output from LPT1 to COM1;
Yes, i want to output a pic X on com1:, i'm writing a cash-register program and to open my cash-drawer, it request a signal on com1:, i've tried to a text file to com1 in dos-mode and that works fine, so my question is, can i do this in MF cobol.
PS Sorry for my bad language, i'm duth...
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