the form is based on a Business Expansion table, where one of the column is Company Name, linked to Company Name in a Manufacurer table. The Company Name combo box has as a record source the Company Name in the Manuf.table. Is this correct? I was trying to build a macro around the on update...
I have an input form that contains a Company Name field. The source of this field is a lookup column in another table.
The input form receives info in regards to each Company Name. However, when I choose a certain company, I do not get the related info displayed on the form, although the backend...
I have an input form. It has, among ohter fields, a Company Name (drop down lookup in a Manufacturers table) and a Memo field. I can enter nice and easy info and it does go into my backend table, no problem. However, I want the form to display the newly entered info for every Company Name that I...
The data in the ProductNAICS table is flawed. Hence the lack of referential integrity. The person entering the information is checking it right now and she found two typos already.
I'll keep you guys posted.
Thank you for your patience.
Yes, that's what I was trying to do, without success, since I am getting the following error message:
For the design of the relationship, please see my previous posts.
Yep,PH, that's exactly what I have. Cannot Enforce Referential Integrity btw CompanyNAICS and ProductNAICS, hence no One-to-Many Relationship, can only have a simple link btw the two.
Those are my three tables, the tblCompanyNAICS is based on the qryNormalized that you helped me with. I ran the qryNormalized and made a table out of it, tblCompanyNAICS, populated and everything. Then, I deleted the tblCompany fields for NAICS1, 2 etc, like you suggested, for data...
Nope, got sintax errors on qryNormalized. Does not work.
What if I kept the working qryNormalized and ran a Make-Table query for my CompanyNAICS table? I could then delete the original CompanyNAICS table and the NAICS1, 2 etc. from the CompanyTbl, for nomalization. Lemme know what you think...
Thanks to pbodsky, my Union Query (qryNormalized) is working fine now.
I'm still working on the Append Query, maybe you guys can see errors I'm blind to.
For some reason, only NAICS 1,3 and 5 are showing in the CompanyNaics table. NAICS 2, 4 and 6 are not. Makes me think I should rename the fields.
This one gives me an error msg about the NAICS1
Thanks, Leslie,
Followed your advice ad literam.
Ran into problems with the Union Query - it will only pick NAICS1, NAICS3 and NAICS5 for some reason. I kept looking long and hard at the code, seems fine to me.
The Append Query does not like the NAICS1 field. I got an error message about it...
CompanyID(PK) - one to many w. CompanyID in CompanyNAICStbl
NAICS(PK) - one to many w. NAICS in CompanyNAICStbl
CompanyID (CompositePK)
NAICS (CompositePK)
This table is not populated. The...
1 Company = up to 6 NAICS codes
1 NAICS code = multiple Companies
1 ProductTitle = 1 NAICS code
I read Paul Litwin's Fundamentals more than once. Can't see the solution.
If my CompanyTbl does not display the NAICS codes, how can I retrieve the corresponding ones for each company?
I'm still confused.
In the CompanyNAICS table, you designed NAICS as the FK, but this is not a PK in the ProductCategory table... Do I even need a ProductID PK in the ProductCategory table, or can NAICS be the PK?
I have a big list of Companies, CompDirectory. Each of them has at least one NAICS code (six digit industry code)but no more than 6.
CompID (primary key)
City etc.
I've got a second table, ProductCategory, where each NAICS code has its...
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