thanks, i will try that. unfortunately i am at work right now, but as soon as i try all that i will let you know. though finding another video card may prove tough, since my old box had integrated video (yuck).
i don't have a solution, and i appreciate the help. it's an iwill kk266 motherboard:
are you saying i cannot use old ram to test my system, or that my system is wrong?
have pc133 ram, and the motherboard and processor support 266mhz fsb
thanks for helping.
i checked the manual, and there was no mention of post codes. i think it has an award bios.. the manual didn't come out and say it, but there is a screen shot in there that implies it. so i went online, and it said that for the award bios, one short and two long beeps (or...
hi, i just built a new computer. it's an amd athlon 1 ghz on an iwill kk266 motherboard with 256 megs of cas 2, 6 layer sdram. it uses a matrox g450 video card. every time i try to boot, i get no video, and it just beeps continously at consistent 3-4 second intervals. the fans also work. i...
anyone know how to gray out a form field in netscape? so you know what i mean, this works in ie:
<input type="text" name="harry" disabled="true">
if this is imposible, i guess this.blur() is the only way to go, and i don't like that.
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