This helps, but it doesn't answer the question: How do I get the drop-down to stay at the last customer I processed instead of starting over at the beginning?
I have a ComboBox that has a query for the RowSource. It selects all customers that have a certain salesman code. I then pull down the list of customers and select the 1st customer that I want to place an order for and enter my order. At the end, I tab over the last field and my ComboBox goes...
I am trying to come up with a program that will perform golf league secretary functions. My form would contain Name, Flight, Holes(1-18), Total, Handicap, and Net. I need this for as many as 24 golfers per page, and virtually unlimited number of glofers.
I have not had any schooling on this. I just picked it up from examples of other code, plus I figured some of it out on my own. As I said earlier, I never heard of datasheet processing, and I don't know how to proceed without some kind of example(s).
In my main system, I have used:
4 Tables
6 Queries
13 Forms
Multiple Combo Boxes
4 Modules
Lots of Visual Basic statements
Some SQL Statements
It now works just as if I entered a hard-coded date. It also responds as I indicated before. The combobox shows the 1st record in my database. When I do a pull-down, it shows me only the years that I am looking for. Is there a way to get the initial combobox setting to show the 1st record of the...
This code is already in a query. My Rowsource points to the query name. I've shown the value of the field in a Msgbox in the "on current" vba code, so I know it contains the correct value. As I said before, this works if I use a hard-coded date.
TNameDateTime is a String field containing a Name concatenated with a Date concatenated with a Time. This is what I want to show in the combobox. Date is another field in my database that I'm trying to filter on. Is this not possible?
Still no joy. I even tried putting in the Forms! in front of my formname to see if that would help.
Here is what I'm presently using:
SELECT [Tournaments].[TNameDateTime]
FROM Tournaments
WHERE Year([Tournaments].[TDate])="' & Forms!Selection![YearSel] & '";
After the = is " and...
The single quotes are enclosed inside of the double quotes. This is a query for the RowSource of my combobox.
If I use an actual date(ie. '2003') it works better but not perfect. The combobox shows the first record on the database(which is a 2002 date) and when I do a pulldown, it shows all...
I tried it and all I got was a single record which was the very first record on the database.
This is what I am using:
SELECT [Tournaments].[TNameDateTime]
FROM Tournaments
WHERE Format([Tournaments].[TDate],"yyyy")="' & Selection![YearSel] & '";
Any idea why it won't work?
I have a database and one of the fields is a date field. I would like to be able to select records for my combobox using only a 4 position year. If that year appears in the date, then I would like the record to show in my combobox.
Never mind. I found an answer that would work when looking at the response to FoxProProgrammer May 13, 2002-->Update a record) by BanditLV May 13, 2002. There is just so much information on this site, it is all but impossible to search it all.
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