You've both given me some options to try and that's the biggest help I needed. This project was supposed to be about 50 reports and the client has kept coming back with the "forgot about this one" so it's become the never ending project (I'm at 164 reports and counting) but it's all...
I've reread one of the replies and I'm going to go play with putting a summary in the group footer and/or header and using the underlay sections to see if I can come up with something. That gives me something to chew on. I just went back and looked at crosstabs again and that's not an option...
Okay, I'm not doing a good job explaining things. The details section of the report is just fields being pulled from a database, not summaries. The group is a field. So, in the database, the fields are, daily.discounted, daily.upcharges, daily.altchgs, etc. I need a...
I'm currently working on a dry cleaning software app. The programmer writing the app is using Visual Studio.NET with VB.NET as the front end and SQL as the back end. I'm doing the reports using Crystal Reports .NET I have a report that I've laid out as a multicolumn report. I chose this over...
Thanks to both of you. I'll go check - I must be pointing to the wrong one. The SP ran fine up until I did some editing and added the UNION so I bet you're right on the money. I'm behind on the project and definitely not thinking too good at this point (lack of sleep perhaps?).
Kai, what do...
I am using Crystal Reports in Visual Studio .NET. I have created a report which reports off of a stored procedure. I was able to do the report just fine when the stored procedure had one SELECT statement. The thing is, there are two tables which contain the same field names (I understand how...
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