I am working on a Linux server and need to ftp some files to it, but when I check the ifconfig, it comes up with MULTICAST BROADCAST. Does anyone know how I can determine what IP address I need to use to do the ftp?
Any info would be great.
I am looking to take:
INT32 num[45];
INT32 mod[3];
INT32 ans[4];
(the num and mod arrays get set to values here)
I've tried:
ans = num % mod;
&ans[0] = (INT32*)(num & mod);
...but can't get it to work. Is it possible to do a mod calculation using arrays for all of the operands?
I get the following error:
Illegal types for operands: 'unary *'
From the following C code:
unsigned int Add(unsigned int Aoperand, unsigned int Asize)
SET_PKA_PKCP_REG_A(Aoperand, Asize); //error points here
#define PKA_CONTROL_REG_ADDR 0x01006000
Using Visual C++. Don't have compiler on unclassified network, so I don't know what you'll be missing if you try to compile.
Main.h code:
extern UINT16 ARCFOUR_Sbox;
typedef struct arcfour_state {
UINT16 ij;
UINT16 reserved;
UINT16 salt[10];
Pointer32 part0;
I have the following:
UINT16 ARCFOUR_Sbox[256];
VPTR ptr;
ptr = &ARCFOUR_Sbox[64];
and I get the errors:
C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type
C2102: '&' requires l-value
Does anyone know what is wrong with 'ptr = &ARCFOUR_Sbox[64];'?
I have a line of code as follows:
S_ptr = (BYTE*)&ARCFOUR_Sbox[0];
...where S_ptr is a Byte* and ARCFOUR_Sbox is a UINT16.
I get the errors:
C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type
C2102: '&' requires l-value
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the line of code?
Has anyone ever seen a C struct like the following:
typedef struct {
UINT32 process_id;
UINT32 sig_num;
void(*callback)(int device_num);
I don't understand that the 'void...' line is.
Thanks for any help.
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