I currently have a report that shows account activity.
In this report, the primary fields are being pulled from one table. There is one field called lpchgs, and this is the total charge for an account.
Ex. Account Total Charges
444444 $152.00
I created a report to show an accounts...
I'm sorry, you are right. Those were typo's.
One last question, if the field only has one digit, how would I get it represent in time field, in addition to the formula you gave me?
Ex. Actually
6 12:06 am
12 12:10 am
45 12:45 am
Thank you
I am currently using Crystal 10 and added a field that represents time. Only problem is that its formatted as a number field instead of a time field. How can I convert this over.
Now Want to have
608 6:38:00 AM
1334 1:34:00 PM
1218 2:34:00 PM
2241 10:41:00 PM
Thank you
Currently, when I run the Crystal Report to get all of the shipping information it based on the badplpp table. This table contains all of the fields such as account#, name, address, city, state, zip, phone#, and email address.
I want the data in the spreadsheet to pull information from the...
Currently, when I run the Crystal Report, it generates, account#, address, name, city, state, zip, phone#, email address.
77789 Mac Joe Miami Fl 33023 3051234568 joe@joe.com
the spreadsheet currently has just a list of accounts and consumer demographic information. EX:
Acct# Age...
I currently have a crystal report that returns account numbers and shipping information I need. I also have a spreadsheet that contains a list of account numbers. I need to take all of the account #s in the spreadsheet and put it into the crystal report, so that I can get all of the necessary...
The Begin Date returns as a number and returns a result of:
The End Date returns as a date and a result as of:1/14/2006.
To make it even more specific, the majority of the calculations will be between the days and possibly the months.
Can you show me how to convert this, thank you.
I currently have a database that calculates the Beg and End Date for the time it took an order to be ordered. I'm using Crystal 8.5. I'm trying to find out how long it took for the order to be taken, but am having a hard time doing it. Can someone please help me.
Thank you
The formula for the...
I'm currently have a report that lists all patients from 2 different units, units #7 and #11. The patients can have appointments in one of these units or in both. Right now when I generate the report, I get all patients, whether they only have one appointment or 2. I want to be able to only get...
I am currently using crystal 8.5. I have no problem with the data that the field gives me.
What I'm trying to figure out is how I can eliminate the values that only appear once. I was trying to create an if statment, but don't know how to word it...
I currently have a spreadsheet that is supposed to do some projected time calculations.
In cell a1 I have the number of calls, 8. In b1, the average length of a call, 0:3:25. I multiply both of these cells and get the answer in c1,0:27:20. I have formatted all the time fields to be in the...
I see the problem that you were saying. In the formula:
the year field, LPADT3 is only 1 character long. So when I'm trying to do the difference, you are correct, it is off by 2000 years.
Here is some of the data being...
If I use the formula: ({@Discharge Date}-{@ADM}, it results with the number 730487 and is a number type.
If I use the formula: date({@Discharge Date}-{@ADM}, the results are in date format, with the year showing. Ex:1/1/00
How can I only show the difference between days?
Here are what the formulas look like:
stringvar MyDate := totext({badplpp.lpldd},0,"");
if len(MyDate) = 5
cdate(2000+val(right(MyDate,2)), val(left(MyDate,1)),val(mid(MyDate,2,2)))
if len(MyDate) = 6...
Crystal 8.5
I have 2 formulas that will tell me the difference of days between them.
date({@Discharge Date}-{@ADM})
7/25/06 7/26/06 02
1/13/06 30
I changed the format options to a custom, so that it would only show me the number of days.When I display...
The 3 fields that make up the 2 date fields are number types.
Right now the query looks like:
TransDate SvcDate
3/10/2006 4/10/2006
4/15/2006 1/21/2006
I want the report to be able to look up through the dates and only pick the dates where transdate is greater than svcdate.
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