i'm trying to print a few reports, created with crystal reports designer, using crystal reports activex control.
when i print the report i always get the error "Unable to open database". I have already passed the database paths to datafiles() with the correct order. I think the...
1. No, everything works fine, except that the report should print some totals and it doesn't print anything.
2. No, the formulas are concerned with currency and exchanges. They should print totals.
This is one formula:
If {CabecDoc.Moeda} = CRWNomeMoedaBase() then
"Total ( " + CRWNomeMoedaAlt() + " )"
"Total ( " + CRWNomeMoedaBase() + " )";
and this is another formula:
BooleanVar UltimaPag;
NumberVar Apontador;
well... i'm just using the reports. They have already been made by another person.
Some formulas have "lots" of text and code, and i supposed that i could pass values only to variables.
thanks a lot
i want to pass values to variables defined in formulas.Is that possible?
i have something like this:
StringVar x;
StringVar y;
"Text " + x + " and more text " + y
i'm using crystal activex control in vb6 and i want to pass the values to the variables, without...
I have a problem.
I'm trying to use a report in wich there is a formula that calls user defined functions (in a UFL).
I'm using CR ActiveX control to print the report. In VB everything works fine, but if i try to do the same thing in visual fox pro the formula doesn't work...
thanks a lot...
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