This sounds a lot like the popmon.a virus or Popmonster virus...I had this nasty bugger earlier this month. Go to the posting <Opening multiple browser windows...virus?> posted on 1/15. Someone helped walk me through the steps to getting this off of my computer...hope this helps you.
That got it! Damn that was a pain in the a**! Thank you soooo much for your help. I'm sure that you can tell I am not a programmer (surprise!)...thus my handle = "not really teckie"....I just learned a lot today. I appreciate your time and assistance!:)
My computer keeps opening random browser windows. If left on overnight I will have 10 windows open. I have run McAffee & Ad-aware and found nothing. Just removed the VX2.BetterInternet virus and thought that would do it. Any suggestions?
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