I need to create a very simple macro to Run a Query "AnovoOutput" and Export the result as a .txt file to C:\temp\
using an output specification, called AnovoSpec.
I've tried using the Macro wizard, but it's not very helpful. I've can see I need to create a macro using the TransferText...
Hi, I need to amend the following code, which checks value of "consumer postcode" and "stock indicator". If there is no "consumer postcode" and "stock indicator" = "D" consumer post code is set to 9"." characters:
StringInfo2: IIf(([Consumer PostCode] Is Null And [Stock...
I need to update the import / export specs on a database, accessible from the "File --> get external data --> import --> text files --> advanced..."
Everytime I update a spec, and say "Save As", when I re-open the spec my changes are lost and it reverts to the old one.
Furthermore, if the...
Hi - I have amended the query as you suggest, and thanks again, it works! when I coded it as follows in the full query as:
StringInfo1: IIf(([End User Name] Is Null And [Stock Indicator]="D"),String(35,"."),Left([End User Name] & String(35," "),35)) & IIf(([Consumer Address 1] Is Null And...
Hi there - that does work! appreciated! One added complication in another query I wrote is:
IIf(([End User Name] Is Null And [Stock Indicator]="D"),[End User Name] & "...................................",[End User Name])
Logic is if [End user Name] is blank AND [stock indicator] is "D" insert...
Hi guys, I'm trying to maintain some old access queries. The problem is
a) simply to append fields together from tables
b) string into Fixed postition formats
For example, on the result field "End user Name" must be 35chars in length.
The person who wrote the original created a table simply...
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