Check the account on the SQL Server service. It needs to be a Windows user account with permissions on the network drive if you use the SQL sa user for the job. If it is running under Local System, nothing across your network will be accessible to SQL Server.
Ok - good. The next thing to do is monitor the Task Manager to see if cmd.exe and imrun.exe both start, and then stop. If you see them, then try running the command line in a command prompt (Start >> Run, type cmd in the Open txtbox and click OK) and just paste the text
There is a typo in my syntax. It should be /I, not -I. You may have to kill imrun.exe and cmd.exe in your Task Manager because they are probably still running in the background on the machine where you ran the code I sent. I should have tested this before sending it off.
There's one more...
If your source is SQL, try scheduling your integration with a SQL job, use something like this for the SQL command.
if exists (select top 1 * from DB..your_stage_table)
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'c:\IMDir\IMRun.exe -I your_int'
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