I got it to work!! (I wasn't including the column names in the data ranges).
I have also come accross another solution for my original problem:
=sum((data>1)*(data<=100)) Control-Shift-Enter (to make it an array)
seems to also work...
Thanks for your help
I've given then named range of criteria a go, but it still doesn;t seem to work. Through some further testing it works if i only specify one criteria - as soon as i add the second criteria (the top limit) the answer returned is zero.
Thanks for your help.
I'm trying to do the following:
countif(range,">1 and <100")
but it won't let me use two criteria joined by an and. i've tried to find a between criteria function similar to the one in access but it doesn;t seem to exist.
any suggestions????
I'm summing a field in a query that is a short time format. The problem is that when then field sums to more than 24 hrs it rolls back to 0:00 and continues adding.
For example, the if the result I should get is 38:30, it gives me 14:30 (ie. 38:30 - 24:00). How can I stop this from clicking...
I am running a query that prompts the user to enter a string. How do I get the query to return all records that start with that string. I'm curently trying to use "Like[Enter Account]*" in the criteria, but it doesn't work.
DougP: I have made the main form, sub form look at different tables but the first record is still edited..
Kalin: Your suggestion works. It was the dropdown combo box that was editing the table..
Thanks to both of you
I have my main form record set up as a department in a drop down list (combo box) based on a table. The subform then produces the relevant records for the dept selected and asks the user to edit one of the fields. Once the user edits the subform field the main form field is also edited (the main...
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