This code creates the xls file and opens it and saves as xlsx file but the above error happens when I go to open it.
* - Create the Receipt.xls File
Select receipt
set safe off
copy all to c:\Spotlite\receipt.xls type xls
* Excel workbook version upgrade...
Thank you Chris,
So I just neeed to replace FullPath with something like "C:\folderName\" ?
Or could I declare a variable Named: "FullPath = "C:\folderName\"
You have helped me a lot!
Thank you so much!
Thank you all for your responses. I could not find a solution.
* - Create the Receipt.xls File
Select receipt
set safe off
copy all to receipt.xls type xls
*Want to open the xls file and save as an xlsx file and close the xlsx file within this code if possible and no screen...
I tried to create an xlsx file but the command would not like xlsx.
So how can I take an xls file and convert it to xlsx within FoxPro?
Thank you in advance,
Currently I have a routine that creates an XLS file from a .db
* - Create the Receipt.xls File
Select receipt
set safe off
copy all to receipt.xls type xls *(Can I specify xlsx instead or not?)
set safe on
Messagebox("Receipt XLS File Created", 0, "Receipt XLS Status")
Printer is configured for LPT Port 2
It goes immediately to error in the print que. It looks fine in the Print preview mode.
THE CODE FOR PRINTING THE LABLE IS BELOW:* - Print a Single Label for current record.
PUBLIC Defaultpr, Printerb
Local Id_Save
select medspot...
Hi Nigel,
I think I have solved the problem.
Somehow the printer won't let me print on the top of the label.
So I have combined the Country line with the line above it and moved the remaining lines down.
This allows all lines to print on the label.
Hi Nigel,
The first line should not be blank because it's the line with the name on it.
ALLT(label.title)+IIF (empty(label.title),""," ") +ALLT(label.firstname)+" "+ALLT(label.lastname)
* - Print a Single Label for current record.
PUBLIC Defaultpr, Printerb
Local Id_Save
use medspot
Store to Id_Save
sele 5
use owner
STORE owner.dprinter TO Defaultpr
MESSAGEBOX (" DEFAULT PRINTER IS: &Defaultpr", 0, "Default Printer Status")
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