Thank You - I ended up finding a module from emporium plus that resets your shopping cart every 30 minutes (or whenever you tell it to). I believe this should fix the problem.
Thanks for the input and ideas,
I have miva 4.16, and I have our shopping cart set to reset after 30 minutes. The problem is it never resets itself, and all of our items are one of a kind, so I have to keep manually deleting the expired shopping baskets so the items don't show up as sold out, even though they aren't. Has...
I have been trying to figure out how I can download my file with my ftp program so I can alter it! I don't know what to enter in the server and path fields. I have been trying for the server, and the path of my ui file, which ends in Merchant2/4.13/modules/ui/
When I...
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