Thanks very much for the info, but is there any chance of you posting the article or link that tells me how to do this, as there is a bit to much info on the site you've listed for me to try and filter out to find the registry settings to which you refer.
Machines are running Win2K - Servers are NT. I install the SMS tools/remote client on the client PC, and check with support desk that they can gain remote control which they can.
The next day or so, I go to try and remote control the machine that I installed remote functionality on...
Anyone know how I can run a command remotely.
I.E. I am sat at my desk and want to run a command on a users machine without having to go to their machine.
I've just tried REXEC and RSH but these won't give me a connection. Anyone know any other way I can do this.
( I want to connect ot a...
I need to replicate the Add New Port command in the Printer wizard in win 2000, so I can add a new port on the client machine pointing to \\printserver\printhostname, via a script on a remote machine.
CAN THIS BE DONE ?? (I'm trying to do this so I dont have to take control of a users...
Hmmm, all sounds like creating a lot of extra work for myself when I'm trying to get around having to take control of the user's machine to do anything, or log them off and sign in as Administrator to install new printers.
Cheers for trying though. Can't believe that you can do all the stuff...
What I mean is at the moment in Windows 2000, you go to add printer wizard, choose local, and when you get to choose port, you goto create new port, choose local port, and then type \\server\printerhostname, which when OK'd gives the name of the remote printer (\\server\printhostname) as the...
ok - Worth considering. Still not keen as is much 'messier' than creating a separate port, as will involve trying to get users to tell which printer goes to which port etc, and would mean changing the whole way printers are assigned.
Must be a way to mirror what is done in the add printer...
It's a good idea, but will present a problem where the user needs to print to two different printers - Theirs and there secretaries for instance, as LPT1 will be soley captured to the one printer, when if a new port could be created, you can have multiple printers.
I looked through the Script...
I'm trying to create a new Printer on a remote machine via scripting which I have managed to do, but cannot work out how to carry out the 'create new port' part of the addprinter wizard in the script.
I need to add a new local port in the form '\\prntserver\printer', as we add printers on our...
Is there a way I can install a local printer on a users 2000 machine (where a normal user does not have rights to add a local printer) without having to log them off, and sign on as an administrator.
Before anyone suggests I run either the printer folder, or add printer wizard using a 'run as'...
I know !! This is what I already did !! I specified the settings I described in the first post through rgt-click, properties, security !!!
I've created a new image for a windows 2000 laptop, and want to set one particular shortcut on the desktop to be read/execute only (basically, whoever I give the laptop to, I dont want that user to be be able to delete this particular shortcut). Problem is ive set permissions to read/execute...
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