When i select a particular item, from my combo box (supplierid) if there is no record on the subform against that supplierid then subform shows the pervious record.
I want to show some message if there is no record on the subform against a combo selection.
I want to select supplier id from combo and an invoice number against that supplier id. and I want to add all the product related to that invoice number on a subform.
I have already create a master child...
Thanks Darrylle
I mentioned that i am working on bound controls.
If I select 1y,2y,3y from combo then other boud control should show the respected values from the table
I have already stored the value in table under 1y,2y,3y
I am using as
Private Sub Plan_Type_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Plan_Type =...
Hi to all
I want to select an item from combo box (on a sub form) and put the coressponding value on on the bounded text box on the same subform (child form) against a given condition.
on my sub form i have three objects:
2-two bounded text boxes
if i select one value from combo the...
Hi to all
I have created a database just almost similler to northwind. every thing seems to be working fine. But at the end i could not reprint the invoice.
Actually what i done is that i have created another table (tblhistory) and i append all the record which are moved from inventory ( i mean...
Hi TheAceMan1
You are the man, thanks its worked
Can i use if or case stement formultiple check on date and other fields.
such as compare date, checkbox and some other field.
Private Sub RMAReceive_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If IsDate(Me!RMAReceive) Then...
Hi to all
I want to make a some button disable on openform event and when during the entry process a user enter a date in date field after checking with the current date(less tahn current date) the disabled button suould be enabled.
Any suggestion.
I am trying onchage event:
Private Sub...
Hi to all
I am getting something wrong calculation, When i add the three calculated values the answer is always one cent less. I do not know what is wrong.
Waiting for detailed help.
Hi to all
I have situation here I need help, if i add a recored in a (history table) sub form (master detail) that record should be deleted from the other table(inventory), and if i delete a record from subform (history)that should be added to other table (inventory).
Any sugguestion?
Now when i enter the invoice number and after that when i click in the subform(product) a error message comes up.
"You cannot add or change record because a related required is required in table customers"
My tables relationship is exactly like northwind now.
Any Suggestion?
i am at inventory / stock end. Mean I have to enter the one invoice number against many items provided by the suppliers.
If i build a master to child link (invoice to subform(product) the invoice number generated auto against many items. where as i need to enter the invoice number provided by...
Thank U very Much lespaul
I am doing the same thing with 1 :n relation, the only problem is that i cannot save many item under one invoice number. Here u said that capture invoice number from the text box, Please explain it little bit more, I think i am almost at the finishing line.
Thank u...
I am confused, I cannot enter many items under one invoice number. How can i do that, I mean i just have to enter invoice number only once.
Is any body there to help me out?
1. I select supplier from combo
2. Enter Invoice Number for that supplier(items which i recevied under that invoice number)
3. on a sub form i entered all the item i have recived from that supplier and under that invoice number
I do hope this will clear u my situation
Thanks for your prompt response.
Actually i am keeping the record of all the products which i received from different suppliers under different invoice numbers.
First i select the supplier through combo box, then enter the invoice number of that supplier after that i record all the items in...
Thank you very much, can u assist me little bit more from query to main for and sub form(supplier,invoice and product) that will be nice, because i am so confused and many tables and relatioships in my database.
Once again thanks
Hi To all
I am working on this from last two week but no sucess, is any body help me out?
invoiceid (pk)
productid (pk)
inv-id (fk)
prod_id (fk)
What i want to do is that...
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