Hey guys.
I would like to have my automated microsoft word tool open, go through the mail merge steps via a macro (which is does fine and dandy), but it stops at the end point and prompts me with "Do you want to revert to the saved "filename.doc"? with a Yes or No option. How or is it possible...
Hey guys. I have a combo box(File_Name) which is getting populated from a table. I want the user to select a file from the drop down, and when they click on "open" or "run it will open a Microsoft word document as well as open another form. This works fine, but here's the problem.
For the...
I want to use Microsoft Access to be able to link to and open various MS Word files. Once the user opens the file, makes his or her changes, a screen should come up within Access that should prompt them to enter any changes that they have made into a comments box. Of course it would be ideal...
AHHA! Basically the back end has the date/time field in a "DBTIMESTAMP" format...which i'm assuming is DB2.
So my question remains how do transition this format over to mySQL using Navicat? I tried every data type supported! A few more days of struggling than I will officially give up
I bet it is...but as of right now, this is the only unique identifier we have since the field goes so down to the 6th decimal of a second! I wish there was an easy way to automate this, but I guess no one has come across a solution for this.
Okay i think i found the issue.
back end has the time down to nanoseconds, but when i import as a timestamp/text/datetime or anything else NaviCat is only able to import up till the seconds. The reason why i need this is because the Create date will be our primary key seeing that no order can...
Surprised that this forum doesnt have an option to edit a post.
> A date is not the same thing as a timestamp in DB2. DATE stores only a
> date (format YYYY-MM-DD). A TIMESTAMP stores date and time (format is
> YYYY-MM-DD-hh.mm.ss.uuuuuu).
So from the looks of it on the DB2 side its...
Navi loved they syntax, but unfortunately it did not work.
After i put that code into the WHERE condition, and continue with the import it still pulls data from the beginning of the year. I'm assuming that the problem has to do with the way the date/time are together in one field with the...
I simply have a table with Year To Date data. I'm looking to update this table every night at around 9pm with a scheduled task which will run any import function i wish. Using navi-cat i can also add a conditional statement on which to import the data with.
Up until now I have had to...
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