I have a property db with fields refno, country ,area, town, description, pic1 etc.
You get the pic ... course you do ...
I want to show 3 properties on a page each in nested html tables for layout reasons.
I've used .. $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
The only idea I have is to use...
I did the DW tutorial as it seemed similar to the website I need to do.
I am in a hurry as I am moving house/country and will have to use a mobile phone to connect until a landline is connected and ISP sorted.
I've tried the Trio motors PHP tutorial. I have MySQL PHP IIS set up and tested as working as the tutorial says but when I get to add the repeated region and test live data I get errors.
The repeated are misses the 1st coin the row and I get errors on the page.
I have given up on the...
I need to work out (visualise) what is happening with the query so that I can make use of this feature, I am using Dreamweaver and another post in another forum said I could get Dreamweaver to do this without coding.
It's been a while since I used MySQL and I have forgoten more than I...
Wow Well slap my face with a wet kipper.
This is a good and useful reply ... not quite sure about the link back to the script
<a href="/yourscript.php?page=2">Next 10</a> I didn't realise it did this? I need to think this through as I am still not sure how to implement this.
I'm trying to query a MySQL db and dynamically create webpages from the result.
Up to say 5 result a page with |<< < > >>| next/prev style navigation or better.
I've seen this on lots of sites but I'm a PHP novice with limited MySQL experience, so a ready made script that I can easily...
I need to write an application which searches a MySQL db and dispays the results much like a search engine.
I have a number of fields to output in a 3x2 table
1st row ... A ref no, title
2nd Row A thumnail jpg (blob), main description
3rd Row Tel:, e-mail
I would like to control the...
Hi Lebisol
Thanks for your reply.
In my post I said ..
"I highlight all the bottom row of the table ... click to add the repeated region "
The problem is that the row I wish to repeat has 4 cols and only 3 are being shown as a repeating region although the whole row is selected...
I've been doing the tutorial Trio-php using IIS MySQL PHP
All is set up OK I think.
Problems start when I add the repeated region.
I highlight all the bottom row of the table ... click to add the repeated region and it adds the region arounfd the last 3 cols but not the FIRST NAME col...
I have a table cart. Using PHP ....
I want to DELETE a row where username = $username AND item_no = $item_no
I have the code ..
$query = "DELETE FROM cart WHERE username = $username AND item_no = $item_no LIMIT 1";
It doesn't work,
anyone know why???
Thanks for your help.
It works fine now
echo "&title[".$i."]=".$row[0];
echo "&price[".$i."]=".$row[2];
echo "&item_no[".$i."]=".$row[4];
I'm writing a shopping cart using Flash-php-MySQL
$username & $itemsincart are passed from Flash to this script.
I wish to echo back to Flash the four arrays at the bottom.
I am not happy that the 2 SELECT queries are correct/efficient.
It doesn't work and I've been messing with it for so...
I need a script to send an email.
I can send ok if I keep it simple ....
mail($to, $subject, $message);
as soon as I try to add $from or $headers the mail never arrives.
I need to have at least .. FROM on the email as it doesn't look good having my host servers _root in that field!
Hi Thanks for your help much appreciated.
Your suggestion works on phpMyAdmin.
But in a php script I get "Resource id #2"
returned instead of the number ... any ideas why?
Thanks luckyblackcat
Hi I have a table with 7 fields I need to SELECT 5 of these fields and output all ROWS into one huge string with fields seperated by .. say '|'
I need help with fuctions which return the total nuber of rows in a table.
And then how I could access the table row at a time SELECT...
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