Hi all . I installed mysql with apache but after a while mysql stoped starting . I even reinstalled both mysql and apache but still i can not start mysql. could any one tell me how to fix this problem.Thanks
sleipnir214 many thanks for u reply. Could u show me how to log $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] to a file. When u see pointing it to to script .Do u mean opening the url from with in the sofware such as media player ?Thanks
Hi all i came across some links for mp3 that looks like this :
I wonder how i can make one like this for my mp3 . As u see it does not show the actual url of mp3 but if u click on it it start lunching media palyer and the songs...
Sheco i tried your script but i do not get the correct output in immedite window:
This is the html code for the script.php
<form method=post action="script.php">
MP3 Link: <input type="text" name="mp3link" size="35">
<input type="submit" value="Check it!"><br><br>
If i use this on web...
Thank u for pointing me to usefull example. Since
i am working on php . Could u tell me how i can pass
a value that has name :mp3link and value data from texbox and also how to output back the http response back to a richtexbox.in the example shown in the page it only passes one data...
Thank u for pointing me to usefull example. Since
i am working on php . Could u tell me how i can pass
a value that has name :mp3link and value data from texbox and also how to output back the http response back to a richtexbox.in the example shown in the page it only passes one data without...
dtgterror .Thanks for u reply . unfortuently i could not even run the exampe in your first link . It does not say what controles do i need and how it collects data . Could u help me how to make a post request such the one shown in pic.Thanks
Hi all i recently uploaded data from text file .Bu unfortuently there were empty lines between each records in the text file and now after transfering the data to mysql i got one empty row for those empty lines. Could any oone tell me how i can remove those empty rows. Thanks
Hi all i want to write a php script that if only the request came from media player it work other wise it gives an error massage .for example if the request came from get or post or direct url execution in browser addrres i want it to send error message. I be happy if some one show me how to...
vladk the data that i want to extract from html pages are not in xml format!! An i do not know much about xml .I know webbrowser controle can do it but i can not find any tutorial on that:-(
i do not how to pass the listbox item to this funciton directly. If that is what u mean .This function needs to process what is in textbox in the form.So i be happy if u show me how i can send it directly to this funciton.txtVariableValue it the variable that holds the item sent from listbox to...
Hi all . I hear a lot that i can use InternetExplorer object or WebBrowser control to get data from html pages without having to parss it . But i never found a good tutorial to teach me how that can be then. I be happy if some refere me to some good tutorials and examples that teah me just do...
I tried it and got this pop up massagebox and displayiing this :
Compile error:
End if without block if
ok help
and pointing in yellow to the same insert statment!!
Hi all i got a form that i need to process listbox items on by one automatically by sending it to a textbox but when i click command2 i see the highlight moves so fast and reaches last item in my listbox without allowing my textbox to process all listbox items. Could any one tell me how to...
HI all i wonsder how i can make a post request from a .php script from with in my applicaton. PAsssing it certian data and getting the request response back to a textbox. Just Like the pic i shown here. I did the layout but i do not how to write the onclick event for send button so it sends the...
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