I was trying to login through the internet on the server machine to test the connect, it couldn't be done for some weird reason.
Once I tried on another part of the network, it worked fine.
Ok, I know I am not that stupid haha.
I have got it to work now.
It wouldn't let me login from the server. But When I went to a different part of the network (different segment) it worked.
I guess I can't log into the server from the server, weird but I got it to work in the end. :)
I have the DI-808HV and I'm trying to setup the VPN connection.
I have tried everything but i cannot get it to connect!
I have got the error 628.
Can anyone help?
I have a cable modem which links to a linksys router. I also have an accounting computer with a VPN router.
Once this was linked I cannot access other areas of the network. What do I need to do to see other parts of the network?
I am running Windows Server 2003.
My boss would like me to put a monitor on the server that shows who's going on what websites.
I have seen this running on Novell when I was in college. It showed their username, time and what website they were on, and for how long.
Are there any...
I am new to setting up a VPN connection. I have 3 remote offices and I would like to connect (not all at the same time) to each office.
I have Windows XP Pro on all machines, including the ones remotely.
Do I need a VPN router?
Well, my question is... can anyone recommend a full list...
The Mike Meyers should have included a CD, along with the Dummies... they both have the CD's missing.
Does anyone know where I'd be able to find these cds to take the tests.
Thanks for the reply CiscoGuy! :)
I am kind of new to the IT field, well... new in Certification terms. I have been working on computers for about 10 years now.
Anyway, I am looking at jobs in the IT Field and they want you to have vast knowledge of Blade Servers, I know these are made by IBM. However, is there any type...
I am currently CompTIA A+ Certified, I'm about to take my Network+ and then go onto my MCP.
I have seen quite a few jobs that need an understanding of Oracle.
I am completely new to this, I do have a book that extremely THICK!
Does anyone have any material that is useful to learn the...
I have some books on the CompTIA Network+. I have the Mike Meyers Network+ Passport, and someone gave me the Network+ Certification for Dummies (I haven't read this one yet).
I also have the CBT Nuggets video and VTC Videos.
I have been looking into getting the course with Testout.com...
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