Thanks for the response, ettienne.
In answer to your question, yes we do have a oeordh.init() call. We don't have a oeordh.order = 0 call, but I'll put that in to see what happens.
This program is designed to be run on the server (where we retrieve encrypted XML files from our web-based...
I also see that I cut off part of my original post. What I was trying to say was that, when I invoke the .Insert call for the AccPacDataView object I am using for data, then I get the first error message:
SageCRM Connection Failed. System error. Cannot log in to SageCRM web server. Error...
The error handling routine is what generated the error messages that I showed above. This was being done in VB.NET.
As for the point of failure, here is what happens:
llngSuccess = dblink.OpenView("OE0520", oeordh)
'compose the Order Entry Order Header views
llngSuccess =...
This error message appears whenever I create a new customer in ARCUS (using an AccpacDataview called ovARCUST, and invoking the
SageCRM Connection Failed. System error. Cannot log in to SageCRM web server. Error returned: Logon ERROR:ActiveX component can't create object
The customer record...
Well, I think I found what was causing the "record already exists" error. That was the fact that I was looking at one table for generating a unique customer ID, and that table hadn't been updated with the last created record, so that complicated matters. Once I got everything synchronized, that...
'... Dimension variables ...
Dim Session As New AccpacSession
Dim dblink As AccpacDBLink
Dim ovarcustomer as AccpacView
Dim ovARCUSO as AccpacView
Dim ary5a(0) as AccpacView
Dim ary5b(0) as AccpacView
Dim llngSuccess as Long
Dim lbolTemp as Boolean
Const ACCPACuid as String = "" 'fill with user...
Did any of you hear that a couple of hours ago? That was the sound of my forehead being slapped.
What I did was add something after the above second section of code...
If ovARCUSO.LastReturnCode <> AccpacCOMAPI.tagViewReturnCode.VC_SUCCESS Then
...generate error message...
End If...
I've tried it, but it still isn't working. Here is the revised code:
Dim ovarcustomer as AccpacView
Dim ovARCUSO as AccpacView
Dim ary5a(0) as AccpacView
Dim ary5b(0) as AccpacView
Dim llngSuccess as Long
llngSuccess = dblink.OpenView("AR0024", ovarcustomer)
ary5a(0) = ovarcustomer...
So, in that case, you recommend:
llngSuccess = dblink.OpenView("AR0024", ovarcustomer)
llngSuccess = dblink.OpenView("AR0400", ovARCUSO)
Would that be what you're suggesting?
I am trying to get information written to the ARCUSO fields as we migrate our system from 5.2 to 5.4. I am trying to store information retrieved elsewhere, and here is what I'm trying to do:
Session.Open(ACCPACuid, ACCPACpwd, ACCPACcomp, Now, 0, "")
dblink =...
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