Unfortunately for me, whoever built this server installed the OS on the RAID set - together with the data - so once I recreate the array, it's all gone, OS and data and the server has to be rebuilt from scratch ..... ho hum, just another day at the office!
For some unknown reason, after a recent disk failure, our raid array reconfigured itself to Raid 0 from Raid 5. I now have a Raid 0 array with 5 disks instead of a Raid 5 array with 6!!
Can I convert the array without having to rebuild the entire server and restore all the data? If not, how...
I needed to put a subform on a main form (Item Phrases) controlled by a specific field. The data on the subform came from two related tables. I could not then add to or change the recordset.
I got over this problem by combining the two tables for the subform into one. However, now I need to...
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