I am using below code(vb.net) to import from access to accpace OE. It is works fine but not getting any warning messages FORM.(When I import manualy seperate popup form open and display how many records inserted, processed, updated etc.). My question is HOW DO I CALL THAT FORM AFTERS THE...
Hi every body.
Yes I am new to this forum . I came to tek-tips because I am NEW TO ACCPAC(Eventhough its developed by Big company its not a great software- I hate).
Finaly I have solved the problem on double click event on the datagrid in VERSON 5.1
Thanks for the reply. I have been told by my boss not to disable doble click instead when user double click on the selected row in a OE2500 datagrid, I want direct them to customised sales history detail instead of the default one.
So how do I alter the accpac double click event on the...
I have customized OE2500 (Sales history)in accpac 5.1 except the problem below.
When the user double click on a row in OE2500 it will take them to "Sales history Detail".
I don't want the user to view the "sales history detail". So How do I disable double click in OE2500 or how do I...
I have customised OE3130 to display only the sales history belongs to the uses session. but whe I click the print button from OE3130, the report display the all customers sales history betweem parameter:Fromcust to ToCust.
report name : OEDHISTC.rpt
My Question is How do I filter...
Thank you very much for your reply. I have solved the issue. I have used the below code and it works fine as I wanted
Private Sub Form_Resize()
Me.AccpacOE2500UICtrl1.Width = ScaleWidth
Me.AccpacOE2500UICtrl1.Height = ScaleHeight
End Sub
I have customised OE 2500 (sales history in Accpac 5.1).But I have the below problem:
When I maximize and minimize the VB form I want OE 2500 also to maximize and minimize along with the VB form. How do I do this ? Urgent please help
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