In case anyone cares about this thread, I think I found the answer to the problem. When setting up the ODBC connection, I needed to uncheck the box found in the Advanced area so that it does not fetch data in the background. Now the data seems to be consistently correct.
Once again, a...
I am using MS Access 2003 to preprocess tables from a FoxPro Application before using Crystal Reports for custom reports. I am getting inconsistent and erratic results - the data seems to always be right in my office, but when the client is running it in their office, sometimes it's right...
Here's the full text of the Command:
`actrec`.`recnum` as 'jobnumber',
`actrec`.`jobnme` as 'jobname',
`actrec`.`shtnme` as 'jobshort',
`actrec`.`sttdte` as 'startdate',
`actrec`.`cmpdte` as 'finishdate',
`bdglin`.`cstcde` as 'costcode',
`bdglin`.`matbdg` as 'budgetamt',
0.00 as...
I created each individual SQL statement with Crystal originally (copying the SQL text off into a text processor) and then added the UNION ALL connector between each individual statement. The concept has worked well for me with less ambitious projects (fewer SQL statements being unioned) in the...
I'm using CR XI, with an ODBC connection to FoxPro. Its a File DSN with Fetch Data in Background turned off. OS is XP Pro on a machine with 1 GB of RAM.
The table structures are such that to collect the data I need, I have strung together 8 SQL statements with UNION ALL and dropped the data...
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