I've written a Crystal Report 8.5; my database is a .csv file I access using a MS Text Driver (.csv) ODBC connection. I can refresh the data from within Crystal reports with no problem. However, when I publish the report to an intranet page and access it with ActiveX, all users are prompted...
I have three layers of Specified Groups in a report. Say "Asset, Liabilities, Expenses".
Each layer has between 5 and 10 Named Groups. Say "Asset= Fixed Assets, Bank Accounts, Cash Accounts" and "Liabilities= Credit Cards, Long Term Loans, Short Term Loans, Tax...
Sorry... Still no luck.
My table is the arCustomer table. The field is the "Addr" field. I am selecting all Customers with an open balance. I'm designing a form letter that will show the name, address, etc. in the header and standard text in the body. When I put the address field...
Write a Parameter Field asking for a date, or date range. Then, create a Selection formula where the date field in your database relates to (=,<,> or <>) the user defined parameter. For example: {soPastInvcLn.InvcDate} = {?Invc Date}
Hope this helps.
I am using Crystal Reports Professional 8.5. I have a Customer Address (4 "lines") which is being stored in my database as a single field with semicolons indicating the separation of the four lines. This {arCustomer.Addr} field is being read by Crystal 8.5 as a memo field. I need to...
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