Hello -
I'm using Excel 2003 and I have done a survey. I'm categorizing the responses and am using a pivot chart to summarize my responses. I would like to generate a pareto chart that shows the count of responses by category and the running % of the category. But I can't get a running %...
Hello -
I have a column of percentages (monthly values) and am looking up the data in the last cell in that column that has a value in it (as the months progress different cells are populated). The formula is vlookup(9.9999999E+307,C1:C12). The sheet has 18 different columns and I want to do...
Thank you... I found out if both spreadsheets are open at the same time (some of my worksheets are in a different Excel file), the full text comes through to the "combined" sheet.
Hello -
(Excel 2003/Windows XP)
I have multiple worksheets that have text on them. I want to show the text that is entered on one spreadsheet, so on the "combined" worksheet I use "=Sheet2!A1" and "=Sheet3!A1" and "=Sheet4!A1" to pull the text into different cells on Sheet1. Unfortunately...
Is there a way to print the complete meeting invitee list with their status? I tried setting the option to expand the name field, but that didn't work.
Thank you...
I have 5 email addresses coming into my Outlook and I failed to check one of the email addresses on the server. I turned on the option in Outlook to delete all emails from the server and it seemed to delete the SPAM permanently. Sorry for the inappropriate post...
Hello -
I have received spam messages (all the same) and keep permanently deleting them, but they keep reappearing in my junk e-mail box. They reappear with the same date and time and it seems that they keep multiplying. I checked my email server and they are no longer on my server. I've also...
First of all, thank you for your responses. I am still having troubles though...
My call duration field (@NumCallDurationMain) contains 1.673333 hours (which is 1 hour and 40 minutes)
I converted it to seconds and got 6024
When I use the following to convert it to...
Hello -
(Crystal 10, SQL Server)
I've done some time calculations which give me a decimal value in hours (e.g. 1.25 = 1 hour 15 minutes). Now I'm trying to display that value on a report as hh:mm:ss (e.g. 01:15:00). What is the correct function and format of the function to use?
Thank you!
Good morning. Thank you for your responses. I have a couple of questions:
IdoMillet: You suggested a UNION statement. Where do I set up the UNION? Would it be outside of Crystal?
Lbass: I'm still trying to get what you suggested to work and will email back if I can't figure it out...
Hello -
I'm using Crystal 8 and MS Access 97. I have a grouped report that summarizes calls by employee. There are 3 types of calls. The first 2 types of calls are read from the same table and just have a different type code. The third type of call comes from a totally different table and...
Thank you so much! I created a second report footer and placed the formula on my subreport and it worked. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Now off to show the user their report...
Hello again...
Here is the format of my report:
Report header
Page header (suppressed)
Group header (suppressed)
Group details (by employee, summarizing calls) (suppressed)
Group footer (shows sum of calls and goal for each employee)
Report footer (total calls for all employees, includes the...
Thank you for your response. My report is using 2 tables:
Calls Made / Employee
I have a group that calculates the number of calls made per employee (grouping and counting the call records by employee). I also display the single value of the call goal per employee (from the employee...
Hello -
I'm using Crystal 8 and Access 97 and want to reference the results of a subreport multiple times in my main report. What is the best way to do that?
Thank You!
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