Hi there,
I have a webpage with a table on it, now it has multiple pages with numbers below the table leading to the other pages with more tables on it. What I want to do is use a script to retrieve the data from the tables in all of the pages into excel or a csv file in the same layout as the...
I apologize, it did work except for the deleting the source folder as you said, but I sorted that.Thanks again for your help, sorry for the headache.
'Move folder
for i = 0 to ubound(arrFolders) - 1
strSrc = arrFolders(i)
strDst = replace(arrFolders(i), strSource, strDestination)...
What I mean is in the source folder (D:\My Downloads\Firefox Downloads) the script moves the folders within, but if there is files with and without the specified extension, move only the files with the specified extension only, and leave the other files, and the source folder there ie Firefox...
I forgot to ask you something, just one last thing. How do I modify it so that it will also move only files with the specified extension from the source folder directory as well ie files are that are in the source folder but not in a folder of there own.
Thankyou for your help
That worked a treat. Thankyou for your patience and taking the time to walk me through this script and answering my post in the first place. Hopefully next time I post on here you won't be the poor bugger that ends up answering it. Will probably when I do MCSE or MCITP. Have a good one :)...
It is going through the folders top to bottom. It looks like when it hits D:\My Downloads\Utorrent Downloads\FolderToMove\FolderA\FolderAA there is a FolderAAA inside, but it moves FolderAAA with its contained files but leaves FolderAA and its files behind. I tried changing the move command to...
Microsoft VBScript runtime error (45, 13) : Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'objFile.Move'
'Move folder
for i = 0 to ubound(arrFolders) - 1
strSrc = arrFolders(i)
strDst = replace(arrFolders(i), strSource, strDestination)
Sorry, I said both options from had the same result. The msgbox command that I put in returned the correct directories, and the error occurred when it arrived at the folder that doesn't have any folders within it. I'll try and explain myself better than before, so inside...
Yes the destination does exist already. The destination directory is D:\My Downloads\Incomplete. Both options from you have the same result. However in the test source folder I am using it creates a copy of the sub-folder that I am moving in the destination folder. The source sub-folder has 3...
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to make up this script but am needing someones expertise. What I am trying to do is a recursive search of folder a, if any of the sub-folders within contain files with a particular extension, then move the sub-folder, all folders within and all the...
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