You are correct. The shells are different. However, for the question you originally posted...
["I want to run a script that just tells the command prompt to execute the dos command "dir" or "cd" etc."]
...the differences should not matter. The shell script I gave contains a series of basic...
No. The shell script above will work on any Windows or DOS based system. The pathing may differ, but you can get around that using environment variables instead of direct paths.
For example,
I could have said "cd %WINDIR%\System32" instead of "cd WINDOWS\System32"
This would take you to the...
Unless you have a specific reason to use VBScript, this is a very easy thing to do with Windows Shell Scripting.
Create a text file named ls.cmd. Edit it and add the following text:
#Start Script
cd \
cd WINDOWS\System32
#End Script
Save the file and run it. It will do a...
This script may help. It uses WMI but this should not be a problem on Win2k or newer machines.
'/////////// User Defined Values //////////////////
'Change this value to the name of...
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