Wulluf you said copy ntldr, ntdetect.com and boot.ini onto a floppy. Thats 1 thing i wish i could do -- use floppies. I cant. I have no working floppy drives. If i could somehow create a Bootable CD-Rom with those 3 files.
kestrel1 (TechnicalUser) 26 Apr 07 4:32
"Nope, sorry mate that just wont work. If you do this you will have the same problem.
There is a file that determines the boot options. If the OS is on the first partition of the first drive the default looks like this...
The original master's XP was not install on the PC im trying to get the slave to work on. I was merely using it as a tool, so that the XP CD reconizes a OS Installation, then installing to the Slave, which is the harddrive i want as master for that PC.
Ok i tried some stuff today. This is what...
I need to be able to do a repair or clean install, while its connected as Master. But thats the problem, i cant get the XP CD to find a OS when its hooked up as Master.
Another way i was thinking is.... Take the slave out of that PC, and hook it up as slave to my main PC (that im using now)...
The only way i can get the XP CD to reconize the Slave's OS is by hooking up the original master HD, then running the XP CD. Cause the XP CD wont reconize the Slave's OS if it is hooked up as the Master. I could probably do a repair as your suggested, but it would be repaired while its connected...
Hi. I installed XP on a slave drive, then took the master out to use for another PC. So i switched the slave to master, but it wont load up. It had a successfull installation of XP but when i boot from HD it says "No OS Found". I went to the "Repair" section of the XP CD, and did the "Bootcfg...
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