I have an error "Unterminated string constant" in my SQL request.
I guess my syntax is not correct...
mySQL1 = "SELECT * FROM viewTicket where ((TelRes = '" & NoTel & "') OR (TeleTra = '" & NoTel & "')
OR (TeleCel = '" & NoTel & "') OR (NoClient = '" & NoTel & "')) AND ((ServiceName =...
Hi there!
We currently use ISC DHCP and we are planning to merge to Cisco Network Registrar.
I know there is a way in CNR to importe a TXT lease file, but is it possible with ISC DHCP to export leases to a TXT file?
It's working with Now() instead of Date().
I changed my column name also.
Unfortunately, with Now() the result is the date AND the hour. I just want short date format MM/JJ/YY just like Date() does.
Is there any other way or word to write?
I'm one step away for the perfect result...
James, I have Access 97, so I can't do your suggestion (thanks anyway!)
Jeff, I still get an error.
I tried what you said but I'm getting another error.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Remarques_Change()
Me![Update] = Date
End Sub
See after the Me![Update] = Date, the ()...
Thanks for your reply Robert.
I tried that and unfortunately, I get that error message:
Microsoft Access can't find the macro 'Me![Update] = Date()'
I tried to change the "Me" for "Domains" because my form and my table are called "Domains", same thing.
Do you...
Hi there,
I'd like to do something with Microsoft Access but I don't know how to do it.
I created a form that I linked to a table. There is about 12 columns in it, and one of them is called "Updated" with a date format in it.
What I'd like to do is whenever I do a change in any...
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