The above code was written in the Crystal SQL Designer.
As I say it worked on an SQL Server 2000 database but not Access.
I think I'm reaching the conclusion that the Crystals own SQL function is not that powerful and I'll have to write queries elsewhere to prepare the data for the crystal...
I'm new to Crystal reports and I'm having a hack round to see what I can do.
I'm used to using SQL Server 2000 & Transact-SQL.
I was looking to create a local database (i can't use the SQL Server database as it's a company production version & I can't clutter it up with development data)
When creating a catalog I've connected to one ODBC data source and selected a table.
I want to connect to another ODBC datasource and select another table but when I try to I get the error :-
The 'passive transaction' transaction parameter block option is not supported.
Anybody help ???
I've tried your command line but still have problems
If I enter :-
C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer1\bin>Impadmin.exe c:\PRFQ.imr
The report runs but asks me for the prompt values.
If I try to add the parameters e.g. :-
C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer1\bin>Impadmin.exe...
I have a COGNOS report that requires 2 prompts <String> <Date>
Can you call a COGNOS report from a command line and pass it the parameters for the prompts ?
If so what is the syntax ?
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