I'm using a windows console screen to display information from my Cobol prog which is ok until another window is opened and closed on top of it and then it leaves a black patch where the window was. This is cleared when I next update the Cobol info screen but looks bad between times.
Any ideas...
Thanks again Marcel for your help. Unfortunately I do not know C and I'm re-writing a legacy COBOL program and adding API calls to it.
I seem to have something working now but i will also try the methods you describe to see what it does.
Thanks again
I seem to have the value working ok now thanks Marcel but still not sure about combining values. A value of 11 for desired access seems to work but why i don't know
To move slightly away from the original question how do i combine 2 values in a COBOL API call? EG I'm calling createfile and want to specify desiredaccess as GENERIC_READ (&H80000000)and GENERIC_WRITE (&H40000000). I think you can use both values in C++ and VB (not sure how in VB either!)
Thanks for the prompt reply Gianni but I think there is still a problem, unless I am missing something basic about Hex values in API. Using the API text viewer to look at the WinAPI32 text file FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED is value &H40000000 - seven zeroes not six thus using the windows calculator...
I'm using COBOL 97 to call windows API function CreateFile to create a handle to an existing windows pipe. I want to use the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED constant value in the dwFlagsandAttributes parameter. But.....
The value of FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED is &H4000000, in decimal its 1073741824. If I use VB...
Please help!
I'm trying to print with bold with the PRINTER assigned and without using forms or format. I've set up the Printing mode and character type with FONT-001 and defined that in the font table with style=B.
Anyone know about ICL DTS software?
I am trying to access DTS using COM in COBOL
Also is it possible to make a dll (not made in cobol) into a lib file that can be linked in Cobol?
Thank you for replying. I've made some progress. It seems that when trying to call "CallNamedPipe" (from Kernel32.lib) I didn't have the right amount of parameters and it would not let me link the program. Now if anyone knows what I should be putting in for the parameters of...
Can anyone please tell me how to access a named windows pipe using cobol 97?
I think i need to use API but don't really understand how. I have examples from fujitsu of API and I think I need to link kernel32.lib in somehow but the rest is a mystery!
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